
非营利组织 receives a customized managed service approach



As the official charitable arm of the Washington Nationals baseball team, 华盛顿国民慈善基金会(WNP)通过鼓励对社区的投资,为大华盛顿地区的所有居民提供繁荣发展的机会. 自2008年以来,该组织已向社区合作伙伴发放了800多万美元的赠款. 除了, 2人以上,000人参与了与WNP签名倡议有关的方案编制, the Washington Nationals Youth Baseball Academy.


华盛顿国民队(Washington Nationals)的组织打算将球队在球场上的成功与对当地社区的影响相匹配. 就像世界大赛冠军球队一样,这需要合适的球员在合适的位置上.

直到2018年,华盛顿国民棒球俱乐部经营着两个不同的非营利实体. But to more effectively and efficiently pursue their mission, 该组织启动了将两个非营利组织合并为一个组织的过程, with WNP as the surviving entity.

“There were a number of reasons for combining the two organizations,约翰·布莱莱特说, chief operating officer of WNP, the nonprofit that developed from the merger. “我们看到了许多将被释放的效率——最重要的是我们能够有效地开发vwin娱乐场官方,同时支持和扩大在我们地区提供基本服务的非营利组织,并在学院提供我们自己的项目.”

华盛顿国民队认为,这次合并将有助于该组织扩大对大华盛顿地区的慈善承诺,并实现他们成为社区领导者的目标. Early on in the strategic planning process, WNP选择了一家拥有强大财务和会计外包(粮农组织)业务的托管服务提供商.

2019年,WNP聘请了泰特 & 泰伦 to assess their financial infrastructure, implement best practices and manage accounting procedures. Soon afterward, RSM US LLP acquired Tate & 泰伦. 没过多久,WNP就意识到该公司的技术支持粮农组织方法和深厚的非营利经验的好处.

这是一个让非营利组织专家回答复杂问题的机会,也是一个为新组织建立一流体系的机会,Bramlette说. “我们一直在寻找一家具有技术经验和能力的供应商,帮助我们建立能够支持快速增长的基础设施.”


凭借其深厚的经验和对非营利行业细微差别的敏锐理解, the RSM team was able to execute a quick diagnostic assessment. RSM通过独特地分析WNP围绕人的结构,为成功奠定了基础, processes and technology to develop tailored solutions.

“RSM didn’t try to shoehorn us into a uniform approach,Bramlette说. “他们着眼于让我们与众不同的东西,并提出了对我们有意义的解决方案.”

The goal was to help WNP get more out of their finance structure—more visibility, more foresight and more decision power. 这些目标与RSM对技术前瞻性解决方案的关注以及粮农组织的整体方法非常吻合.

Bramlette说 that WNP set out to create a cloud-based financial platform, while keeping the needs of the organization’s staff in mind. The engagement was designed to be long term, but WNP saw immediate results.

“马上, we were able to see that with a new software platform, and certain financial functions fully digitized, we stood to save a considerable amount of time,Bramlette说. “The new capabilities allow us to answer questions easily, process transactions more quickly, and make sure that a key resource—staff time—is being used more effectively.”

That emphasis on utilizing human capital was always a priority, but never more important than when the pandemic hit. 订婚初期, 在大流行爆发之前, RSM实施了新的技术系统,为WNP提供了更高水平的业务连续性. RSMvwin娱乐场官方和数字技术实现了向远程工作环境的无缝过渡.

Bramlette说 that both teams responded well to the challenges of COVID-19. 他补充说,该项目的这一阶段体现了RSM的努力如何超越了其对财务要素的关注. 该公司已成为一家顾问公司,利用其经验支持WNP的领导.

Bramlette说:“在我们一起工作的时间里,RSM一直是我们的思想伙伴. “看到我们的团队以更富有成效的方式相互交流真是太棒了. And we’ve all gotten more adept as the engagement has gone on.”


Bramlette emphasizes that WNP is an organization that has specific needs. One factor is the obvious close affiliation with the Washington Nationals. 第二个因素是WNP作为资助许多社区倡议的资助机构的作用, 同时还要确保资金来运营和管理青少年棒球学院.

“For a number of reasons, we are different than many other nonprofit organizations. This is especially due to our affiliation with a professional sports brand. 然而, as an independent nonprofit entity, 至关重要的是,我们将这种隶属关系的好处与员工的主人主人感和责任感相结合,以保持一流的非营利运营. Effective management of our finances is essential to that.”

在这样一个独特的环境下,RSM的方法必须灵活. Bramlette说 that RSM has accomplished this, even as the engagement has evolved. Although RSM’s focus remains on WNP’s financials, 公司的工作对组织的领导和人力资本的整体优先次序产生了积极的影响. Bramlette说 the specific projects and work tasks may have changed, but the organization’s goals remain the same.

“When we merged the two nonprofits, we wanted to be more efficient and nimble, and to have more visibility into our systems,Bramlette说.


RSM’s customized solutions have helped achieve this goal, Bramlette说, because the firm was willing to alter its approach based on WNP’s changing needs. 他补充说,可见性和灵活性的主题在RSM与组织所做的所有工作中保持一致, 即使在处理大流行的压力和WNP特定环境的细微差别时也是如此.

The organization’s drive to be a philanthropic leader in the region remains strong. Bramlette指出了RSM的非营利性经验和粮农组织的方法对提高WNP的有效性至关重要的几个方面. 积极的结果之一是预算程序在管理上更容易,但提供了更多的结构, 增强技术, more efficient systems and processes, and ready access to financial data that is timely, accurate and meaningful to the organization.

约翰•Bramlette WNP首席运营官

WNP and RSM are clearly a winning team—working for the good of the community.

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